installing near-zero emission equipment represented about 3% of the
power plant’s total capex and added about RMB 0.01/kWh to the generating cost. The
actual cost to install the equipment for each unit, depending on the capacity of the unit,
which determines the size of the equipment, has been about RMB 150-200mn
This compares with the total cost of RMB 0.027/kWh for standard coal-fired power plants and the total cost of power generation of RMB 0.020/kWh. Hence, installing zero emission equipment only adds 2.5% to the total cost of power generation,
This compares with the total cost of RMB 0.027/kWh for standard coal-fired power plants and the total cost of power generation of RMB 0.020/kWh. Hence, installing zero emission equipment only adds 2.5% to the total cost of power generation,