1. Focus on minutes - 1440 minutes every day, can do a lot
of things.
2. Beat procrastination with time travel - Your future self
cannot be trusted, do things now.
3. Set daily priorities - Identify the Most Important Tasks
(MIT), use 2 hours to complete them.
4. Schedule things into the calendar – less about to do
5. Make it home for dinner
6. Use a notebook, capture everything there, use calendar on
phone for To Dos
7. Only check email 3 times a day, don’t disturb the flow.
8. Avoid meetings, don’t hold them if possible.
9. Say “no” to almost everything. Focus on things that
really have impact.
10. 80/20 – 80% of outcomes will come only from 20% of your
11. Delegate and outsource - identify your unique ability,
outsource everything else
12. Focus on energy, not time – maximize energy to maximize
productivity, sleep well, watch diet, exercise and short break throughout the
13. Touch things once – if something takes 10 min to
complete, do it now
14. Morning routine – Wake up early, devote 60 minutes for
mental, physical and spiritual health
15. Work theme – create days of week for different areas,
batch tasks together
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